November 2022 is not going to be easy either looking at transits and aspects

Monthly horoscope / Astrology 101

We still deal with a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and with two T-crosses. But we can make it through this month too 

 Monthly horoscope november 2022


Most part of November 2022, is a scorpionic time, of strong emotions, pain, and crisis, but also great strength, resilience, and power, since Scorpio is also the Phoenix that rises from the ashes.

Now is a good time to remember that when you hit rock bottom, the only way is up. Do not make the mistake of digging an even greater hole for yourself. Things will be fine.

All these beautiful planets in Scorpio are tense and struggling. Venus, Mercury, the Sun oppose Uranus in Taurus and square Saturn in Aquarius.

Taurus rules our basic needs, including food and shelter, while Saturn is about restrictions and learning to live with less. Saturn brings karmic effects to the world and Aquarius represents humanity. Taurus also rules ecology and our environment, and we are being asked to make wise choices anyway when it comes to fossil fuels.

If we look at the good aspects, we have we will see how everything is going to sort itself out. Jupiter in Pisces will save us. Not only is Jupiter home but it is in the sign of the savior. Pisces is also the sign of the ocean. It is where we will find solutions, be if for finding oil or for food and even trade.

As a human race – Jupiter in Pisces – asks us to be more benevolent, altruistic, understanding, tolerant and compassionate towards others. As Jupiter will be touched by Neptune, love is everywhere.

The lunar eclipse in Taurus November 8, 2022, is visible in its totality in both Russia and the United States and can create abrupt conflicts.

Mercury is in opposition to Uranus. A heated argument erupts. There could be differences in values.

This eclipse is also visible in its totality in Canada, Japan, China, and New Zealand.  Countries around like South America and Australia will see the eclipse partially.

This makes indeed November a dangerous month with international tensions. The reason is that as Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius mid-month, they will oppose aggressive Mars in Gemini and square Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. This is the wake up call some people are too late to hear. And all you can do from this point is to try and heal.

November’s aspects are a reminder that people’s pettiness and lack of good judgment and ethical thinking should never be underestimated. When people cannot face the truth, they will hold on to illusions, against imaginary enemies for false causes. In this whole situation, someone must be the bigger person.

Venus and Mercury will both eventually burn in the rays of the sun and strong attachments to certain values and possessions will destroy logical and strategic thinking.


ARIES –  Aries knows that finances are no joke and will make the best of it since there might be saved money already or a high salary that keeps you comfortable. But you should also make use of all possible inner resources that you might have, such as your ability to invent new things and find totally new solutions that nobody else has thought of. During the second half of the month, you can get into more fights and some discussions are just pure misunderstandings. Keep thoughts positive but be realistic and do not take anything for granted.

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TAURUS – Taurus goes through relationship problems and sudden ends, or separations are not excluded. Your marriage can go through problems, and you might find relationships with authorities to be quite difficult. Your rebellious nature can go to extremes with Uranus in your sign. This could mean great intuition and ingenuity, but also taking ideas and attitudes to extremes that are unhealthy. Jupiter can give you an opportunity to develop a broader understanding and tolerance, and you can learn from others and their experiences too and it is an opportunity to take. Yet, during the second half of the month, as problems arise because of clashing values, there is too much prejudice. Financial difficulties are also present. Finding a balance is important and something you really strive towards. Make such decisions that empower you.

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GEMINI – Your self-interests clash with others’, and it is difficult to achieve certain goals, but it is not like opportunities are not present. You might not see them just because your idea of what you can do or about success are limited. But if you keep options open, there won't be any real problems. November could be a great time to try and relax a bit too and to really think things through. The eclipse in Taurus brings you clarity and answers. You do not have to like them. The second half of the month, relationships become the greatest challenge and since there is a chance of making enemies, your reputation might take a bit of a hit, and in some cases, if this happens in the context of work and career, progress will be at least partially blocked.

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CANCER - November is a month with financial tensions and a risk of overspending at times, but self-control requirements are not only limited to finances but also in relationships. In love life and in your personal life, there is need of balance. Look at yourself in the mirror and you will notice that you are gorgeous. This is also a creative period, not just a romantic one. Sudden changes will occur in social life with friendships suddenly ending. Your faith is amazing though and you can pretty much live in your own little world, and you do have a great imagination. The second half of the month is a bit more stressful. It is good to have realistic expectations or none because there is risk of disappointment. Take also good care of your health.  

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LEO – The bad news is that the month of November astrologically at least, looks like a month with emotional burdens and cold distant relationships in certain cases. The good news is that there is so much happening inside you in terms of personal development. Even psychic abilities are heightened. Wanting to move could prove something that is about to come true until the end of the year if not soon. And there might be possible to make other investments or to gain some extra cash. The lunar eclipse in Taurus is a reminder that changes are occurring in career during this year, and it is a tough ride. The second half of the month, you are a bit more optimistic, but you better have both feet on the ground. Do not trust everybody especially when it comes to financial dealings. It is easy to get scammed.  

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VIRGO – This Scorpio season is a good time for communication yet, you might see the true face of at least certain people. The Jupiterian influence promises on the other hand willingness to understand and learn, broadening your horizons. New people will enter your life and some of them will be kind, generous and helpful.  This energy will continue to be present during the month of December as well. The lunar eclipse in Taurus with its uneven vibes can create tensions between groups that think differently. It is intense and the more you are attached to your ideas, the less you can see things from the other person’s point of view. The energy of Sagittarius during the second half of the month will create harmony but it will come at a cost. This could mean making compromises. Emotionally you can handle things well if you want to. At work you show up and do your best.

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LIBRA – November 2022, under the reign of Scorpio, finances are a top priority. Unexpected losses and price changes means that it is at times a bit frustrating yet at work and in business, Jupiter can bring you opportunities. Conflicts can arise suddenly when there are problems in seeing things from more than one single perspective and playing devil’s advocate can help you find peace and understanding. Maybe even negotiations could turn out profitable for everyone. The lunar eclipse in Taurus November 8th is intense. Emotions and tensions are reaching new heights. The second half of the month, communication is vital. Your truth is not the same as the other’s but somehow everybody is wrong or lying. Accepting the truth, is for the brave.

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SCORPIO – Happy birthday Scorpio and welcome to eclipse season! Hopefully things are looking up for you. Even though this year, relationships might have been tough going through crisis after crisis, Jupiter is now back in Pisces with Neptune promising that you can find unconditional love and understanding, and that there is hope. Romance could be a huge and important part of your life right now and you are very creative and optimistic. A lunar eclipse in Taurus can mean the end of a relationship. The second half of the month, finances should be handled with care. Better not spend too much and not make dubious deals with people you don’t know.

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SAGITARRIUS - November is a lonely time and a time for introspection. You do not need others are much because there is distrust and maybe you just need a break, when you primarily hang out with family and close friends. But you have plenty of time to focus on private matters and make the home a more comfortable place. Some of you do want to move and find that special new house or apartment. You want plenty of space and maybe a body of water nearby. Take health matters seriously because they are important. Changes at work could happen because of the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus November 8th. But this has been the theme of the year. Anyhow, make sure you prioritize correctly and go an extra mile if necessary. Eventually the situation will become a bit more stable for you. The second half of the month, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius, will create an urge to communicate with others but in general you are bit more relaxed and happier with who you are. The oppositions to Mars and squares to Neptune and Jupiter, can though create all kinds of exaggerated reactions and confrontations. Even family can become deceptive, and maybe you are not completely honest either. Finding out certain truths can also create some disillusionment.  

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CAPRICORN – This is a month with communication and learning. Thriving in times of crisis can be something that you are able to do, and some of you do try to show others the way through it. Nonetheless conflicts are also possible, and it could be because of certain beliefs. Ideas tend to get more extreme. But you might end up questioning yourself as well as the people that you normally hang out with. The second half of the month on the other hand is less about finding approval from others. Now you are happy to just have some peace and quiet. You need some space and some time to think and reflect. Business, finances, health, are all important, and it is something you want to sort out on your own.

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AQUARIUS – The lunar eclipse in Taurus affects the house of home and family and can disrupt the situation at home. Some of you can experience a bigger change such as moving to a new location rather quickly or having to sell or refinance the house.  Your career or status changes as well but Jupiter in Pisces promises an inflow of cash. So financial goals are achieved. The second half of the moth is social but a bit more difficult and at times friends just disappoint. These days people are just too honest and hot headed as well. But Venus and Mercury helps your communication and you find some balance and even great support.

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PISCES – You communicate differently and risk even isolating yourself from certain people just because you do not feel appreciated and supported enough. Some changes can also happen regarding mode of transportation. It could be so that you decide to travel with other people to work or you take the subway, and your car stands in your garage. These are intense times. But still, you are very inspiring and optimistic. You might even feel like you only listen to the good parts, and you refuse to hear the bad. The second half of the month, control issues are a huge problem. But you might need to break free from unwanted influences and pave your own road in life. Can you do it?

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