8. Nadir (Oracle de la triade) - Darkness
Home / Oracle de la Triade Card Meanings

Nadir is associated with a dark period in life when nothing works.
There are blockages. You basically need to walk towards that dot, the light, the end of the tunnel and soon enough better days arrive.
The card is indeed negative but suggests that everything will end well.
Keywords: Fall. Loss. Darkness. Madness. Annihilation. Magic. Evil. The brain. Genital organs.
Personality: Suffering from one’s fate, having a victim mentality. The person sees everything in black. It can even mean paranoid tendencies.
Love: Sentimental solitude. In a relationship one partner is distant and has a cold heart. Impotence and fertility.
Money: Money problems. The situation can become critical. Financial ruin. Losses. Last money stolen from you. Difficult circumstances.
Work: Lack of work. Unemployment. Bankruptcy.
Spirituality: Lack of spirituality, and so the person ends up in darkness.
Crime reading: disappearance.
Nadir in combination with other cards retains its negative nature:
2 Isolation: Morbid obsessions.
11 Temptation: romantic obsessions.
13 Penance: Masochism, sadism.
40 Misfortune: Death around.
44 Lightning: Cardiovascular problems, heart attack.
46 Sacrifice: Attempted suicide.
54 Death: Death.