15. Love (Oracle de la triade) - Romance
Home / Oracle de la Triade Card Meanings

In the Catholic faith, the cross upon the heart is a symbol of the sacred heart, but this is also the symbol of love, the fire of life.
The white band refers to the bond of love that unites different creatures with each other. The green palm stands for honor and immortality.
The calligraphy in the four corners of the card are the four directions, the four elements in Greek. It says “Christ” in Greek.
As for number 15, it has several associations. First, we have 1 + 5 = 6 (the card Roots). Secondly, you have 10 (Success, completion) + 5 (the incarnate man). Thirdly, 15 is the result of 3 x 5 where 3 stands for divine presence (Delta) and 5 (incarnate human).
Usually, the card Love speaks of new love, union, marriage, affection and of following one’s heart.
Personality: Love is a very emotional person who would neglect other activities to preoccupy himself with what he loves. This enhances the feeling of love and the longing for stability.
Love and relationships: Deep and sincere love in relationships, and friendships. Harmony exists between you and others. If you live with somebody, this card announces that your love is true. If you are single a new relationship will appear, and you will fall in love.
Money: Money does not create any problems. Only carelessness can be harmful.
Profession and work situation: Love is not equivalent to any profession, but can mark a tendency towards humanitarian efforts, and charity. The card indicates that the person will work with their vocation, and this creates love for the work and a cozy atmosphere in the workplace.
Personal or spiritual development: An elevation of the soul upwards from the lower vibrations. The person strives after universal love.
Keywords: Affection. Attachment. Tenderness. Passion. Affair. Devotion. Heart. The sanguine system. The spouse. Marriage.
Love in combination with other cards:
3 Delta Wedding.
9 Wisdom: platonic relationship.
13 Penance: Submission to a partner.
14 Man: Married man.
18 Science: Interested relationship.
30 Forgiveness: The beloved coming back. Renewed friendship.
35 Necessity: One-night stand.
38 Weapon: Divorce.
46 Sacrifice: Submission to a partner.
51 Return: Your ex is coming back. Renewed friendship.
55 Fusion: Wedding.