56. Brother (Oracle de la triade) - Two men
Home / Oracle de la Triade Card Meanings

The card usually represents friendship, two people of the same sex, sisters or brothers, twins.
Personality: Friendship and love are important values. The person is seeking absolute love. An open individual, which easily contacts others. Words are used well – excellent communication skills. The individual is young in spirit and has difficulty accepting the aging process, because aesthetics is important.
Love and relationships: A good relationship, usually a friendship. There is trust and affection. The relationship can lead to exclusivity, but only one of the partners in the relationship feels love for the other, while for the other, the relationship is only of friendship.
Money: The financial situation looks good and nothing special happens. The person does not care so very much about money. Problems that arise can be solved because the person takes care of problems. If Brother is surrounded by negative cards such as Weapon or Opponent, the person can’t rely on friends when needing help.
Profession and work situation: The card is not associated with any profession. Rather the card represents business and other activities with other family members or with friends. At the workplace, the atmosphere is positive. Relationships with work colleagues are harmonious. The card may mean that the person wants to start a new project together with a friend or with friends.
Personal or spiritual development: A counselor can help you move forward in your spiritual quest. You meet someone who feels and thinks like you do and you feel understood.
Keywords: Friend. Sibling. Partner. Trust. Confidence. Integrity. Two people. Friendship. Brotherhood. Twins. The sign of Gemini. Stomach. Intestines.
Brother in combination with other cards:
4 Lie: friends lying, hypocrisy in friendships.
6 Rot: the relationship continues after a pause.
11 Temptation: homo relationship.
12 Seal: agreement to trust, alliance.
14 Man: a man has an important role in your life.
20 Error: friendship ends.
25 Female: a woman playing an important role in a situation.
27 Doubt: lack of confidence.
29 Elevation: friendship turned into a love relationship.
30 Forgiveness: friendly arrangement.
35 Necessity: a distance is created between friends.
38 Weapon: a break in friendship.
40 Suffering: loss of friends.
42 Desert: a sign of great loneliness.
43 Key: help from a friend.
44 Lightning: errors in an agreement.
46 Sacrifice: credulity may cause blindness.
49 Opponent: allies are turning their sails after the wind.
55 Fusion: same gender relationship.