Free Horoscope Tarot Card Reading 

Queen of Cups
Ace of Cups
Queen of Wands
Four of Wands
Knight of Swords
The Fool
Five of Swords
Two of Swords
Six of Swords
Three of Wands
King of Swords
King of Pentacles

The Fool
The Fool

House I Aries. Your personality. Your inner world and your preferences.

The Fool: The Fool is about doing something crazy, new and unespected. It is about doing the wrong thing, but also about following ones heart's desire. When the card appears, the person alone takes some kind of risc.
Two of Swords
Two of Swords

House II Taurus. Finances.

Two of Swords: Two of Swords is about accepting the situation without trying to do anything about it. The situation might be too tough for you to handle or you might simply close your eyes and pretend that everything is as it is should be for the sake of collaboration or peace with other people.
Six of Swords
Six of Swords

House III gemini. Communication and relationships.

Six of Swords: Six of Swords means that the problems that the person have are big and that only time and patience can solve them. Sometimes the card means moving to a new place or running away. That is why the card might mean travel.
King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles

House IV cancer. your house and family.

King of Pentacles: The King of Pentacles is about an experienced protective man with economic means or some other asset or resource. It can be a generous man, a politician, a bank or the police. As a situation, this king is about economic stability, materialism, a good health and intelligence.
Three of Wands
Three of Wands

House V leo. Love life.

Three of Wands: Three of Wands is about expansions, of business or relationships. If you are in a relationship, you might like to meet more people and expand your circel of friends or business relationships. The card can also mean planning for the future.
King of Swords
King of Swords

House VI virgo. The work context and health.

King of Swords: King of Swords is a man that has some kind of legal power. It can involve law or the secret police. When this card appears for a man in our lives, this man is often evil and his sentiments are not deep.
Five of Swords
Five of Swords

House VII scale. The social context. Friends, lovers, unions, marriage, social life and work life.

Five of Swords: Five of Swords is about winning the wrong way. It is about reaching our goals through lies. It is the card of the criminal, but the card might also mean that the person is simply manipulative and lacks consciousness. When the card appears, be sure to protect you assets.
Knight of Swords
Knight of Swords

House VIII scorpio. Transformations and changes in your social context.

Knight of Swords: The Knight of Swords is about trouble, verbal fights and about fighting for a good moral cause. It is also about speaking out the truth and being angry.
Queen of Wands
Queen of Wands

House IX Sagittarius. Studies, travel, life phylosophy and higher education.

Queen of Wands: The Queen of Wands is the woman that you never forget because she has an impact on you, either because of her personality or her appearance. She is strong, determined and ambitious.
Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups

House X Capricorn. Your potential, your reputation and profession.

Ace of Cupse: Ace of Cups means that a new person will enter your life. The card is about love and sentiments. If you broke up with somebody, the card can mean that you and this person will make up. The cards is also connected to the home.
Queen of Cups
Queen of Cups

House XI Aquarius. Your projects, goals, your future and future friends.

Queen of Cups: The Queen of Cups is an emotional woman. She is kind, friendly and mature. She can be a good friend to you but she is definitely not a doer. You should not hurt her as she is very emotional.
Four of Wands
Four of Wands

House XII Piscis. Obstacles, difficulties. "The house of hell ".

Four of Wands: Four of Wands is about a job well done and the satisfaction that comes with it. It is about achieving a goal. The card also involves celebrations. Sometimes the card is about romantic relationships that has nothing to do with love or commitment, even if you think that this is the case.


Pick a type of reading:

1. The Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross is very popular since it gives you a good overview on the situation and possible future developments as well as the social and psychological context.

2. The Horseshoe Tarot Card Spread

Another popular reading but with fewer cards.

3. Past, Present, Future

A very handy and quick tarot card spread.

4. Situation, Challenges, Opportunities, Future developments

A more complex look at a situation, a relationship, work, money, you choose the area this reading shoud a apply to.

5. The Horoscope Tarot Card Spread

This is a grand general reading for different areas of your life according to the signs or the houses of the horoscope.

6. Mini general reading

This reading looks at different areas in your life at a particular point in time, for example, the end of the year. You choose the time span.