Free Celtic Cross Tarot Card Reading 

King of Pentacles

Two of Cups

The Moon

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Cups

Five of Wands

Page of Wands

Ten of Cups

Three of Pentacles

Queen of Cups

Page of Wands

Page of Wands

This lies over you:

Page of Wands: Page of Wands is about being immature, and not handling situations in a mature way. It is also about seeking out romantic partners with no intention of a stable mature relationship.

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

This crosses you:

Ten of Cups: Ten of Cups ia about respect from others but also about happiness and emotional fulfillment. If you are an artist or actor or some other known person, you will be known by many. It is also the card of the town or village that you live in.

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

This is under you:

Queen of Cups: The Queen of Cups is an emotional woman. She is kind, friendly and mature. She can be a good friend to you but she is definitely not a doer. You should not hurt her as she is very emotional.

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

This lies behind you:

Five of Wands: Five of Wands is about verbal confrontations, and having a difficult time to express ones opinion in the good way. It is about fights that for the most part are childish and lead nowhere.

King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

This crowns you:

King of Pentacles: The King of Pentacles is about an experienced protective man with economic means or some other asset or resource. It can be a generous man, a politician, a bank or the police. As a situation, this king is about economic stability, materialism, a good health and intelligence.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

This lies in front of you:

Three of Pentacles: Three of Pentacles is about the beginning of a project. Is is a project that it is well thought and very productive and that might lead you to economic or other form of success in life. Most of the time, the card is related to your occupation or business. In health related issues, a treatment will bring good results.

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

This is you:

Eight of Cups: Eight of Cups is about leaving the past behind. You are done with some emotional issue and you are ready to move on with your life. Something that seemed important is not so important.  

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Your environment:

Eight of Pentacles: Eight of Pentacles is about hard work at a professional level, work that can only be done when you have some knowledge that by others might be seen as advanced. The card is also about having to work hard for everything, and about not having so much free time for family and friends.  

The Moon

The Moon

Your hopes or fears:

The Moon: The Moon is about deception and lies. You might be fooled by appearences.  

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

This is the end result:

Two of Cups: Two of Cups is about meetings and get togethers. You will meet somebody, a person that you might like or with whome you will share your deepest thoughts with. Two of cards means intimacy, fiendship and love.  


Pick a type of reading:

1. The Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross is very popular since it gives you a good overview on the situation and possible future developments as well as the social and psychological context.

2. The Horseshoe Tarot Card Spread

Another popular reading but with fewer cards.

3. Past, Present, Future

A very handy and quick tarot card spread.

4. Situation, Challenges, Opportunities, Future developments

A more complex look at a situation, a relationship, work, money, you choose the area this reading shoud a apply to.

5. The Horoscope Tarot Card Spread

This is a grand general reading for different areas of your life according to the signs or the houses of the horoscope.

6. Mini general reading for a point in time

This reading looks at different areas in your life at a particular point in time, for example, the end of the year. You choose the time span.